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There may be many situations which call for the provision of services and care for a limited time. Examples may include convalescing after hospitalisation following a serious injury or illness; bridging a disruptive event in the family; and out-of-home respite stays allowing the carer to have a break from their strenuous work, restore strength or solve a short-term situation such as an adjustment to the home, time away from home or illness affecting the carer, etc.


Additionally, Šarlota Resort offers stays with health and personal care to clients who are immobile or permanently bedbound, those with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, and persons suffering from other health problems that may arise regardless of age.

For short stays, we provide advice to the family across all fields of care.

Šarlota Resort also offers relaxation stays accompanied with moments of rest spent in the great outdoors making use of rehabilitation schemes, nutritional therapies, wellness treatments and other available services.

Osobní konzultace

Miroslava Brožová

ředitelka Šarlota Resort

+420 778 431 757

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Šarlota Resort & Care Prosečnice 10, 257 42 Krhanice

Šarlota Resort a Care © 2017
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