Once a sanatorium dubbed The White Castle on the River Sázava, today’s Šarlota Resort can be found on a site that is very special in terms of location and beauty with the natural settings of the south-facing hill sloping gently towards the river.
Its story dates back to World War I when the construction of a sanatorium for patients with tuberculosis was initiated by Humanita - a healthcare association. The local healthy environment amidst a woodland and near a river saw the foundation stone of the structure being laid in 1916. Despite it being war-time, the work was completed successfully and was officially opened in 1921 under the auspices of the First Lady of Czechoslovakia - Mrs Charlotte Garrigue Masaryk. President TG Masaryk donated significantly in person to the completion of the works.
Most of the time of operation - until 2006 - the facility served healthcare purposes; for example, it hosted a sanatorium for pulmonary diseases or premises for chronically ill people.
Between 2012 - 2014, the place underwent an extensive refurbishment to restore its glory and vivacity. The structure now bears the name of President Masaryk’s wife.

The process and methods of restoration respected the architectural intention and craftsman skills of our ancestors while making use of modern technologies to meet the modern requirements for the guests’ quality of life.